By Cecilia Bettendorf
Round Table Reporter
Middletown High School has added a table designated for students with peanut allergies to its cafeteria this year, in order to further ensure safety for those students with allergies.
The tables are located at the back of the cafeteria with signs indicating which ones they are.
MHS junior Jenna Kopras believes that these tables really serve no purpose. “I have a peanut allergy, but I don’t sit there. I want to be able to sit with my friends, not at the table where no one sits.” So are the tables pointless?
Because not many people sit at this table solely for the fact that it is meant for peanut allergies, the designated tables may not be effective in helping to shield students from what they are allergic to.
“I think people are more focused on sitting with their friends and having fun than their allergies,” Kopras adds.
Many MHS students seem to be uninterested in sitting at the designated tables, and more interested about their friends.