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The Round Table

Part of The Round Table's multimedia experience

The Round Table

Part of The Round Table's multimedia experience

The Round Table

It won’t be the end of the world if you don’t see Xmen Apocalypse

By Liam O’Byrne, Round Table reporter June 13, 2016

The Marvel cinematic universe is a mess. Franchises are scattered between companies like Disney, Sony, and 20th Century Fox. Taking that into account, there’s bound to be Marvel movies that will be exactly...

Opinion: Are movie trailers revealing too much lately?

Opinion: Are movie trailers revealing too much lately?

By Liam O’Byrne, Round Table Reporter May 26, 2016

Trailers are meant to get your attention catch your eye and make you want to see the movie as soon as it comes out. They should be enough to intrigue you and wonder about the movie causing you want to...

The Jungle Book swings its way into theatres

The Jungle Book swings its way into theatres

By Liam O’Byrne, Round Table reporter April 23, 2016

The Jungle Book, directed by Jon Favreau, takes a spin on the old classic and makes a classic of its own. The story follows Mowgli, a young boy living in the jungle, trying to find his way to the man village...

Elton John's new album came out in one "Wonderful Crazy Night"

Elton John’s new album came out in one “Wonderful Crazy Night”

By Liam O’Byrne, Round Table reporter February 12, 2016

Music icon Elton John has pleased fans yet again by releasing his newest album “Wonderful Crazy Night.” His classic piano sound is back with a modern spin. This gives him the chance to catch a new...

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