Luke Kiley, Round Table Reporter
Luke Kiley is a sophomore at Middletown High School. It’s kind of redundant to say which school he goes to, seeing as how this website is only one school's project, but I digress. He's in Journalism 2 cause he enjoys writing and mouthing off. So far in school he has done okay in most classes and less okay in others. So we're sure he'll be wildly successful and not end up like the 90% of adults in the world, who aren't what they thought they'd be when they were kids. He lives in Myersville, which is like one of those rural towns where you'd think everyone would be fat, but the lipid control is surprisingly in check, so good for you, Myersville. He spends his time drawing pictures of stuff that psychologists would just love to get a hold of, playing guitar that's still better than Nickelback's, playing video games like a potato, binge-watching Netflix dramas (so Parks and Rec), and pretending he isn't just as silly as everyone else. A self-appointed critic, he enjoys watching terrible movies (Batman & Robin is a provocative, transcendent, masterpiece) and infomercials (lookin' at you, ShakeWeight), just so he can hear himself condescend half a dozen times. Other hobbies include feeling guilty for sort of liking The Bill O' Reilly Show, hating the American public education system, engaging in Existentialism, and thinking about how The Walking Dead show makes a mockery of the books. Of course his favorite activity is sleeping. A fan of the arts, he would like to get into acting or something else equally preposterous, when he's finished with high school. But who knows.