Moving to Tennessee with her family when she was young, Taylor Swift kick started her music career early. In the beginning of her career, Swift’s music had an undeniable country twang. As Swift’s fame grows and her music becomes ever more popular, her sound has evolved. From her early country sound, she began to reach out to a broader audience and incorporate pop into her music. From her start with country-pop, Swift transformed into a more indie-pop sound and style. This evolution has changed Swift’s fan base and genre.
Although her transition was gradual, Swift’s fans were still taken by surprise at her new sound. Alex Cartner, Middletown High School senior, likes Swift’s old music better saying, “It’s easier to jam to the old, happier songs so they will stick around longer.”
Other fans, such as MHS freshman Kendal Neel prefer Swift’s newer songs. Neel enjoys Swift’s new pop sound because “the beat is better.” Neel also thinks that the new songs are “more grown up and have great messages.”
Swift’s new sound and look have become more pronounced after the release of her album Red. The songs on this album have that “grown up” sound, as Neel calls it, as well as a new look with no cowgirl boots or country settings. Instead, photographs promoting Red include bold red lipstick, flowery dresses and fedora hats. Once her transformation began, it continued rapidly. Swift’s red carpet dresses became more mature and her very next single, “Shake it off,” has been topping the charts as a pop song.
While her new sound conforms to pop music today, Taylor Swift’s old, sweet music will be missed. An example of her early music is her song, “You Belong With Me.” This song is relatable to young people experiencing love for the first time, as well as adults who can remember the first time they fell in love. A truly timeless song, “You Belong With Me” is innocent and uplifting. A more recent song of Swift’s is “Shake It Off,” which embodies a more exclusive crowd. With a stronger dance beat and lyrics for an older crowd, “Shake It Off” is targeted at an audience of young adults, rather than any age group.
Changing her style and sound will likely cause Swift’s fan base to decrease. No longer will she be in the running for the Country Music Awards as she has in the past with her old sound and look. Now that her music is not as relatable to everyone, she will have to refine it even more in order to keep the young adult fans she has gained with her recent transition.