On March 18, Middletown High School will hold their annual STEM day. STEM day is focused on encouraging young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Over 40 different career pathways will be available for students to explore, ranging from physical therapy to forensics to woodworking.
Senior Mark DeArcangelis will be running one of the possible STEM selections, alongside his boss, as they discuss the makings of a great DJ. “I hope students see the effort and skill it takes to do my job and I hope they like learning about something that I really enjoy doing,” DeArcangelis said.
Some students, though, have mixed reactions on the concept of STEM day and if there is any real importance behind it. Senior Brittany Duah says “STEM day offers students an opportunity to learn about jobs we didn’t know about, which is also good for people who will be attending college soon and are unsure of what they want to do.” Duah followed that up by saying “it’s also a way out of class.” Another student said she would “rather just skip that day.”
Though most students do not see it, STEM day is actually an extremely beneficial day for those who chose to attend. It gives students not only knowledge, but also an understanding of the careers that are available to pursue after high school. A majority of the senior class will be attending college after they graduate and an even bigger majority have no idea what they want to do with the rest of their life. STEM day gives students the opportunity to take a glimpse into a career they may have been considering and see if it’s something they are truly passionate about.