MCT Campus
Politicians make promises and presidential candidates pontificate about how they are going to fix all of your problems. While Hillary Clinton was the Secretary of State, she jeopardized national security by using a personal server for highly classified documents.
According to the article by Hannah Allen and Anita Kumar, “The emails were released in response to a court order stemming from a lawsuit over Clinton’s decision to eschew an official government account and instead use a personal email account, routed through a private server at her New York home, for all four years she led the State Department.”
Hillary Clinton, potential Democrat nominee for the presidential election of 2016, always manages to blame her personal and political scandals on attacks from the Republican Party. Consistently a part of some sort of scandal, she has always been able to escape legal prosecution. Students at Middletown High School gave their opinion on Clinton sending those emails. MHS senior Samantha Shearn said, “I think that her being so in the spotlight, she should have known better than to make a mistake like that. A lot of people are following her and for the people that are not, it gives them more of a reason to not vote for her for president”. Many agree with Shearn saying it was not the best idea. “She’s dumb and I don’t like her,” says MHS sophomore Karly Costigan. MHS senior Jesse McMullen says he thinks what she did was wrong. MHS sophomore Brianna Crutchfield agrees with the fact that Clinton should not have sent those emails and says that it will come back to “bite her in the butt.” Does America really need a president that sends private information over email? MHS students definitely do not think Clinton being president would be a good idea.