Setting her alarm for school tomorrow, Ashley is constantly checking her phone to see if their will be a school closing or delay regarding the expected snow happening early tomorrow morning. While hoping she can get out of taking the major math test she barely studied for, Ashley also doesn’t want the overuse of snow days to take up her spring break and some of her summer vacation.
Frederick County Public Schools have now used their eighth snow day when the 2013-2014 calendar only allotted for five making the Board of Education to determine ways to alter the calendar.
FCPS schools are closed during President’s day on Feb 17. And Feb 18. These dates were debated by the Board of Education on Feb. 12. deciding if students should go to school on these days.
“I would rather have school Monday and Tuesday because during spring break I’ll be going on college visits,” said Jena Wimsatt, MHS junior.
However, they have decided to keep schools closed on these days. Part of the concern was not having enough staff for bus transportation. The Board of Education decided to open schools on March 21 and April 14, taking away a teacher work day and the last day of spring break.
The Board of Education is currently requesting a state waiver to allow for schools to be open April 21. to make up the eighth snow day.
“It would be nice to have no school when the weather is nice and warm,” said Wimsatt.