MHS Picture Makeups and Retakes Day
Cohort A: Tuesday, April 20
Cohort B and Virtual Cohort: Thursday, April 22
Middletown High School’s makeup and retake picture day for juniors, sophomores, and freshmen is coming soon. Photos will be taken by Lifetouch in a safe environment adhering to all required safety protocols and more. Photo day will take place during the regular school day for Cohort A on Tuesday, April 20, and Cohort B on Thursday, April 22. Virtual Cohort students will be able to sign up for afternoon sessions following regular school hours on April 22:
Cohort A: Tuesday, April 20
Cohort B and Virtual Cohort: Thursday, April 22
Middletown High School’s makeup and retake picture day for juniors, sophomores, and freshmen is coming soon. Photos will be taken by Lifetouch in a safe environment adhering to all required safety protocols and more. Photo day will take place during the regular school day for Cohort A on Tuesday, April 20, and Cohort B on Thursday, April 22. Virtual Cohort students will be able to sign up for afternoon sessions following regular school hours on April 22:
These photos will be used in the yearbook, but it is not required to purchase a photo package for a portrait to be taken; students may simply ask for a single photo to be taken for their yearbook photo. Details about makeup days and retakes will be released after the scheduled photo dates. To purchase photo packages in advance, go to and enter the code EVTJSNNBP.
Lifetouch will be following all safety protocols as they pertain to COVID-19, including the following:
- Location: Students will have their photos taken in the auditorium. Two camera locations will be set up at opposite ends of the stage. Photographers are provided sanitizing wipes and spray to clean camera stations and equipment
- Masks: Students in Cohort A and Cohort B will be allowed to leave their classrooms at a pre-scheduled time during the regular school day to have their photo taken. Students must proceed directly to and from the auditorium and wear a mask between locations. Students will be allowed to remove their mask once they are seated at the camera station.
- No-contact posing and social distancing: Photographers are required to wear masks during the entire photography session and to maintain six feet between themselves and subjects while being photographed.
- Pre-session health check: Photographers are provided a thermometer for their daily self-health assessment before reporting to a photography event.
- Safety training: Lifetouch employees are required to complete comprehensive safety and cleaning protocol training.
- The number of students allowed in the building at one time during the afternoon will be minimized to limit exposure. Students will enter the building through the cafeteria doors at the back of the school and will be asked to wait outside until their scheduled appointment. Students are required to wear a mask while in the building except when sitting at the camera station to have their photo taken.
We understand that not all students and families will feel comfortable having their portraits taken in the school without a mask. Therefore, we are offering two other options for including students’ portraits in the yearbook in this unique year.
- Students may wear their mask while having their photo taken. These photos can still be taken by Lifetouch at the scheduled time for their Cohort.
- Students or parents may submit a portrait (upper torso and head, as in a passport photo) without a mask that is taken at home (no selfies or other people/pets/objects in the photo, please). The yearbook staff will attempt to Photoshop the background out of the photo and replace it with a background that is compatible with the other photos in the yearbook. That job will be made easier if the original photo is taken with a neutral background. Because of the school’s contract with Lifetouch, the yearbook cannot accept portraits taken by other professional studios. Photos from home can be sent to the yearbook adviser, Noah Kady, at Please send the largest file size possible and include the name of the student. The deadline for submission of these photos is 11:59 p.m. on Friday, April 23.