By Ana Billotti
Round Table reporter
People’s opinions change, fashions fade in and out, and what was once considered popular and trendy is now outdated and nobody would be caught dead wearing that.
When people set their opinions in stone they set themselves up to be judged and critiqued. It is important that you remember that opinions can and will change, which is why you should leave your self open to new ideas and others opinions.
What you once loved wearing in seventh or eighth grade is no longer “in” and now remains hidden at the back of your closet; that way you are never reminded of all the months you wore that horribly tacky floral shirt that you had stupidly thought looked so cute on you.
Opinions don’t just change on clothing however; they can honestly change about anything. The music you like to listen to, your favorite food to eat, movie to watch, or place you like to shop at.
It is a natural part of life, changing your opinion and mind, and you shouldn’t be held accountable for your changing opinions, especially when you are still growing up yourself. Sure it is frustrating to be around people that change their minds a lot, and even more so when they change their minds at the last minute, particularly when it involves hanging out or picking you up to go somewhere
Sometimes these situations are out of their control, like if their parents got mad at them and makes them stay home for the day. But other times when it is purely them changing their minds on a whim it is difficult. You were expecting one thing and then, bam!, out of nowhere all your plans are screwed up due to your friend canceling.
Any and all opinions can change but it is hard not to criticize someone who constantly says they love one thing one moment and then hate it the next. But just keep in mind that more likely than not you have changed your mind about something too, it’s a natural part of life.
So just nod and go “okay” when your best friend starts gushing about this new dress that she just bought when you know she’ll maybe wear it all of five times before tossing it to the back of her closet and never looking at it again.