By Ayla Mulvey
Round Table reporter

We all have those busy days where we feel like we don’t accomplish anything on our “To Do” lists. We end up getting stressed out, feeling like nothing is going right, and it results in a horrible day. Sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to get everything done, other times it is a lack of time management that results in not much being accomplished.
There is no doubt that people lead busy lives. Teenagers go to school for six hours a daythen, if they have a job, they go to work for several hours, get home late and still have homework to do. Some people can’t help that; they need money to support themselves and pay for their education. In these cases, a person just needs to pace themselves and prioritize what needs to get done.
Managing time can be difficult, especially when a person has to decide between doing something like school work or hanging out with friends for a couple hours. Most people would choose to hang out with their friends and just do their homework later, but often times they end up not even touching their homework and, as a result, their grades start to slip.
For time management to work well, people need to prioritize what needs to get done. A person should get into the habit of getting what needs to be done first, done first, and at least making an effort to start tasks that don’t necessarily need to get done right away but need to get done, nonetheless.
A person also needs to use any free time wisely. Many teenagers spend hours on Facebook or Twitter when they go home. That is not using the couple hours of free time that they get each day wisely. Instead of getting on Facebook or Twitter, get homework finished or do any chores that need done, then get on Facebook or Twitter.
Another good way to make time management work well is to write and complete a “To Do” list. Write down a few items that need to be done and as they get done check them off. Also, start using a daily/weekly planner where appointments, classes or meetings can be written down, that way, nothing will be missed.
Some people naturally have good time management and some need to work on it. Whether or not a person has good time management, everyone is capable of acquiring it. And when push comes to shove, they probably will achieve at least some ability to manage their time to their advantage.