Ryan Robinson
Round Table reporter
Middletown High School science classes recently had a visit from the MD Bio Lab.
The MD Bio Lab is a program that started in Rockville, MD, to help students get hands on experience with chemistry and other related sciences. The lab is in a mobile trailer which contains scientific equipment as well as labs set-up for students.
“Hopefully the students can get a feel for what scientists actually do. They can have fun while they learn and realize that they could have a potential future in the business,” said Reimi Hicks, a worker for the Bio Lab.
The lab travels all over Maryland and visits different schools every year. The Bio Lab has an open enrollment policy; therefore, teachers can call and book the lab.
MHS science teacher Sharon Steger calls every year in August to schedule the lab to visit.
“It helps the students understand biology terms and how to properly use the materials,” said Steger.
The students enjoy the MD Bio Lab because it’s a fun way to understand biology and science in the real world. They look forward to next years visit.