By Ana Billotti
Round Table reporter
I’m sure everyone has heard the expression “stop and smell the roses,” but I doubt anybody really does. I know I sometimes don’t, but what I do try to do is remember to find the beauty in life.
It might not be stopping to smell a rose, but I love watching sunrises. I like watching the sky light up with so many different colors.
I have found my own way of “stopping to smell the roses.” I suggest that everyone tries to do the same.
Find you own version of “stop and smell the roses,” whether it be taking a walk and seeing everything that is all around you, watching a sunrise or sunset, or laying outside at night and looking at the stars.
Find something that reminds you of how beautiful life is. Find something, anything that makes you appreciate life.
On a rough day, just stop and look around you to see if you can find something that can make you laugh or smile. It might not even be anything in nature; it might just be a good friend that you know is always there for you.
You need to have something in your life that is a reminder of how beautiful life really is. So stop and smell the roses, and slow down your life for once.