By: Jason Dagenhart
Round Table reporter
“Do what you can with what you have, where you are.” This is a very famous quote from none other than our 26th president, Theodore Roosevelt.
It basically states the obvious; if you have something, use it to its fullest extent so you can achieve the most out of it.
People are always complaining about things in their lives; they don’t have enough money, they need more friends, or that they don’t have enough free time because of school or work.
But come on; what’s the use of complaining about small things such as those? They’re small, infinitesimal things that don’t matter a single, tiny bit in the long run, things that are so small and tiny that when put into retrospect and compared to life they shouldn’t matter in the slightest. Yet they do matter.
It’s the small things that seem to matter the most in life, like getting drenched by a passing car or being made fun of in school.
It’s hardly the big things that turn a good day into a bad one. It’s just those small things that completely destroy your mood when they happen.
But, as I said before and as Teddy has declared, just do the best you can with the situation you’re in. Even if something bad, like getting picked on or having a car hit you in the face happens in your day, just make the best after the fact and get along with your day, because that’s the best choice of action.