By Alexis Ramsey
Round Table Reporter
A new youth restaurant may be opening in Middletown as part of a larger facility.
Ann, Todd and Chris Miller own Current Components, a store for wholesale electronics specializing in printers, and are moving their business to Middletown.
The family bought a lot behind the BP gas station next to School House Drive, where the Walter Hoffman Reality used to be, and are turning it into a multi-functioning facility.
They will have an office building (letter ‘A’ on picture), a youth restaurant (either ‘B’ or ‘E’), a farmer’s market (‘D’) and another restaurant more suited for adults (‘C’).
The Millers are hoping to have the project done in two or three years and have already partially furnished their office building.
However, there is still some speculation about the youth restaurant. What is the theme? What will be served? Will it be a hit and run or a sit and chat?
The Millers have a perfect spot for attracting both high school and middle school students, because of the place’s proximity to the schools, and want to attract both to the restaurant.
To get ideas on what high school students want, the Millers hosted a brainstorming meeting on Nov. 12 in their office building.
The ideas bounced around were quite varied, from a food court style place to a family cafe with plenty of lounging room. The food choices were varied as well; some of the students attending wanted chains like Chipotle while others preferred a more local selection.
No matter what the final decision is, there is still much planning to do and there will continue to be meetings on the topic.
Students or parents who would like to pitch in ideas should e-mail Middletown Burgess John Miller (no relation to the Miller family in this story) at