By Brittany Titus
Round Table editor
Procrastination is a 15 letter word that should be simplified into a smaller one: laziness. But, as a senior, it is commonly known as “senioritis.” We have all been there at one time or another. That last chapter of your history book is waiting, but you turn off the lights and fall asleep. You leave your big project until the day before its due and you are left with stress and not much time to complete the task.
Procrastination. This is our biggest fear but also, companion. When Friday comes and the homework is left to do later, you feel free. But leaving that homework until Sunday night before the next school day is not good for you or your grades.
I am one to admit that I have senioritis. When the last bell rings and it’s time to go home from school, homework is the last thing on my mind. I have other commitments I would rather do, such as work or watch the latest episode of Glee.
What procrastination does is that it pretty much takes over your body. You stay up late doing your long forgotten homework and you barely get enough sleep. The next day comes and you have heavy bags under your eyes and you realize that your homework is still not done. Maybe that extra hour of freedom wasn’t actually worth it. It’s not if it costs you a bad grade in your class.
School may be a bore, but doing your school work is very important. It may not include a huge part of your grade but it still counts. Procrastination is not recommended, so do yourself a favor and get your school work done and take the extra mile to improve your grades instead of hurt them.