By: Matt Sweeney
Round Table reporter
The MHS talent show is back again. Students are busy preparing themselves to bring their special talents to the MHS auditorium at 7:00 pm on Friday, March 5th.
Many different acts will be featured during the show, many of them being bands or musical acts. Some of the bands featured in the show include My Best Friends Birthday, Arcade Lights, Late Scenes, and Without a Fight.
Although most of the spotlight will go to the many of the bands that will be participating, there are also many other acts, including the TBA Improv Troupe, piano solos, dancing, singing, beat boxing, and juggling.
Tickets cost $2 or $1 and a canned food item, all of which will be given to Haiti and the Middletown food bank.
The show is going to be a big hit with all the great performances and should be a hard thought decision by the judges for the winner of the show.