Chelsea Titus
Round Table reporter
The Middletown Valley area Empty Bowls banquet will be held March 25 at Middletown High School.
The event will begin at 6 p.m. in the MHS cafeteria. Each ticket holder will receive a ceramic bowl created individually by a student of the MHS ceramics classes.
A meal of oven-fried chicken, meatless lasagna, salad, bread, dessert, and beverages will be served. During the meal, a silent auction will be conducted and a variety of entertainment will be provided.
Tickets must be purchased in advance by March 19, so the appropriate amount of food can be ordered. Ticket prices are $10 for adults or $5 for children ages 12 and younger.
Tickets can be purchased from Jim Zimmer at or Robert Beavan at
Proceeds will benefit the Middletown Valley People Helping People (MVPHP) organization and the Middletown Food Bank.
For additional information or questions, contact Jim Zimmer at 240-236-7530 or Robert Beavan at 240-236-7561.