By Rebecca Holcomb
Round Table news editor
Five teenage children were left behind when Anis Mawi, a woman from Frederick, was killed in a car crash on Nov. 26.
The Mawis are political refugees from Myanmar, where in 2001 their father died.
The five Mawi teenagers are now orphans.
The Middletown High School Senior Executive Board has decided to help raise money for the Mawi family. There are collection jars in the cafeteria during all lunch shifts for students to donate extra change.
Sayre Posey, a member of the Senior Executive Board and who came up with the idea, said that the board is raising the money to help the family pay some bills in this time of need.
The Senior Executive Board is hoping to make this family’s Christmas a little bit brighter by raising enough money so that the family might be able to buy some presents and settle their financial woes.
“We thought it would be a good idea to help them have an easier time this holiday season and relieve them of some of the bills they have to pay or buy Christmas presents,” Posey said.