By Elizabeth Pengelly
Round Table reporter
It’s not every day that kids of the Frederick area get an opportunity to pursue their acting dreams. With most filmmakers on the West Coast and most auditions for roles held in major cities such as Baltimore or New York, Frederick always seems to be left out. That changes this weekend.
On April 28, filmmaker and Mount Airy native Michael Tully is holding auditions for his movie “Ping Pong Summer” right here in Frederick. “Ping Pong Summer” is a “coming-of-age comedy” set in 1985 Ocean City, Md.
Auditions will take place from 1:30 to 4:45 p.m. at the Urbana Regional Library, located at 9020 Amelung St., Frederick, Md.
Tully is looking for Caucasian boys and girls between the ages of 13 and 18, and African-American boys ages 12 to 15 that have “engaging personalities.”
Tully realizes that auditions can be stressful, and he just wants teenagers who come out to have a good time.
“We merely want to meet as many teenagers as possible and get to know them on a casual, personal level. We’ll likely ask them to tell a story without them feeling too on the spot, and whether or not they’re the right person for the part. We will deem an audition ‘successful’ if the prospective actor leaves the room feeling good about meeting us.”
This filmmaker is closer to home than the MHS community realizes. He grew up in Mt. Airy and graduated from Linganore High School in 1992, alongside MHS Assistant Principal Daniel Mullins.
“He’s one of the coolest people I’ve ever known,” said Mullins.
“Ping Pong Summer” hits home for Tully. “Since the main character of Rad is a variation on who I was at that time in 1985,” he said, “it makes sense to begin our search where I myself began—in good ol’ Frederick!”
Several MHS students are willing to chase their dreams, and thought the audition process would be a helpful start.
“I’m very excited. I’m very active in the theatre community, so hopefully that will help me,” said MHS freshman Molly Spillman.
Other students are excited about the chance that they have been given.
MHS freshman Brittany Conyers said, “When I heard about it I was really interested because around here you don’t get a lot of opportunities for auditions except for school musicals or classes you have to pay for. It sounds like an amazing opportunity.”
Students interested in auditioning can call 504-233-0515 or email Michael G. at to make an appointment.