By Kyle Frazier
Round Table editor
The code of man is a sacred encryption in almost every human male’s mind. I cannot reveal all the secrets of the wisdom of men, but I will shine light on one subject: ex-girlfriends of friends, and relationships with said ex-girlfriends.
This timeless rule is that a man should not date his friend’s ex. It is just inhumane. If a male dates his friend’s ex, well, let us just say that there are consequences. It is like if someone were to steal a dozen puppies, except worse.
For some reason, women do not have this rule written in their “girl rules” of their brain, or at least the majority of females do not. Friends should not date their friend’s ex-significant others. Seriously, if someone wants to lose respect, then go ahead and chase your friend’s ex.
I’ve seen friends of mine go through this with each other. What I have found is that it isn’t worth it in the end. For lack of a better phrase: Bros before Does. Not to be mean to girls, but guys have got to stick together.
Do not ignore girls. Just make sure your friends haven’t dated her.
Megan Fisher • Dec 15, 2009 at 11:17 pm
This “rule” applies for females too, not just males. No one likes the idea of their friend dating their ex, but it doesn’t always end in disaster. Just because you dated them and it didn’t work out, doesn’t mean it won’t work with someone else that you are friends with. Females are more prone to accepting that their friend is dating their ex because they talk about it before it happens, and don’t get mad about it. Your friends ar supposed to be free to like and date whoever they want to, and it shouldn’t matter if it’s you ex. Just be glad they found someone to be happy with.
~Megan Fisher