Podcast: School and Sports in High School
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About the Contributors

Nic Bradley, RT Today executive producer
Nic is a senior and is in his 4th semester of journalism. He plans on going to a four year college and major in journalism and minor in business. Nic enjoys competing on the MHS golf team and in individual tournaments while connecting with new people on and off the course. Politics and international news are Nic’s main points of interest and pushes hard to inform the truth to those who are unaware of current events.

Jade Ruggieri, Opinion managing editor
Jade Ruggieri is a junior at Middletown High School and is in her fifth semester in journalism. Her favorite class besides journalism is English. She binges Netflix all night and some of her favorite shows are “Grey’s Anatomy” and “How I Met Your Mother.” In her free time, Jade is a Varsity Cheerleader during basketball season. Planning on pursuing broadcast journalism, Jade hopes to attend her dream college at New York University.