Get prepared for the moving and grooving of a lifetime with Middletown’s spring musical: “Footloose.” This musical is full of rocking ’80s music, killer dance moves, scenes that will make you laugh and scenes that will make you cry; however, what’s a musical without performers? This Wednesday and Thursday is your chance to endure the experience of a lifetime and audition for “Footloose.”
In preparation for this audition, there are some key pointers you should keep in mind. When preparing for the audition, you need to make sure you are bringing everything that the director asks for; you always want to remain on their good side, especially before an audition and during an audition. This being said, make sure that no matter who you are around that you are on your most respectable, kind and courteous behavior. You never know if the directors, or people associated with your director, are near so you want to make sure you are making good impressions.
Dress code: don’t look like a fool. Your appearance is one of the only things directors and judges will remember about you since names aren’t always familiar to them. Remember to look presentable and wear a little something that will make you stand out; many times this includes and accent color or maybe a hair piece, whatever is memorable. Hinting at the part you want is always a wise choice. For instance, in “Footloose” the characters come from the country so considering a plaid shirt and boots is a good decision. However, don’t forget about the dance portion; you want to make sure that any clothes you wear will be good for your dance audition. You should think about stretchy pants, appropriate dance shoes (jazz for Footloose) and perhaps a fitted top.
Next, the section of the audition that you either love or dread… vocals. Make sure you are studying, practicing and memorizing the audition pieces. Anything related to singing that the vocal director gives to you beforehand, make sure you know. The boys and girls normally receive different songs. If you haven’t received the music, make sure you get it from a friend because it is likely that they will not teach it before the audition. Make sure that you show up warmed up vocally and physically; everything should be loose and ready once the audition starts. This is key because the directors don’t always give you a lot of time to warm up they just want to see your talent.
Lastly, don’t be afraid to bring your personality. Not only are the directors looking for talent singers, actors and dancers but people who will be enjoyable to work and cooperate with. If you don’t act or look pleasant and enjoyable, the directors will most likely have no interest in working with you.
Preparation for a musical audition can be very stressful, but as long as you come prepared, you should nail it. Be sure you have a resume or list of experiences with you, your list of weekly conflicts, your music, your dance shoes and your pizazz. Having fun is the best and hardest part of the audition process. Getting loose can be difficult when nerves take over, but just kick off those Sunday shoes and cut loose, “Footloose.”