Deadpool is not your mama’s superhero movie. Well, he’s not technically a superhero at all. Wade Wilson just does what he wants and happens to have powers. It’s his movie, why shouldn’t he. This cult comic book movie adaption shows the true limits of a “super hero,” while capturing the iconic Deadpool tropes to a tee.
The director and writers really knew the comics prior to making this movie. Deadpool is Deadpool, not “20th Century Fox’s” Deadpool. He does all the memorable things you’d know if you’re a fan of the comics; he breaks the fourth wall in a hilarious way, cracks jokes every second he speaks, and kicks butt at the same time.
The story mirrors the one in the comics, and that’s a good thing for die-hard fans and newcomers. It’s partly a revenge filled, bloodbath kind of story and partly a love story. Wade Wilson wants to track down and kill the man who made him so messed up and become, well… Deadpool. Ajax is the guy who did this and is a fantastic villain for Deadpool by being cruel, sadistic and apathetic.
The love interest, Vanessa, is the perfect match for Wade. She’s smart mouthed, raunchy and never shuts up. The only downside is she can be the typical damsel in distress. It is redeemed a little bit later but it is still going to be less noticed than her being in trouble.
If someone is going to see this movie for only two reasons, it will be for the hilarious dialogue and awesome action. Deadpool does not take anything seriously, whether fighting or just hitching a ride on a cab, which is a great thing. That’s who he is.
D-Pooly cracks jokes, inappropriately and immaturely every minute and it’s glorious. He’s no teacher’s pet hero either. He will curse anybody out with the greatest of ease, and disrespect anyone just because he can, in a lovable way of course. The jokes Deadpool constantly blurts out is written in such a clever way that lines will be quoted for months or even years.
Without the R rating this movie wouldn’t even be half as good. The explicit action is half what makes it so special and separates it from the other Marvel movies.
The fight scenes in this movie are as hardcore and side splittingly funny as the comics. Bad guys get smooshed, decapitated, chopped, shot and straight up killed. Wade is unstoppable and doesn’t play by Disney Marvel rules. If he wants to be as violent as possible with all the gory details, he will. That’s how a Deadpool movie should and did work. It is rated R after all.
All in all, Deadpool is a wonderfully fun movie for the fans that have known him for years and some who just wants to watch a perfect action movie. The comedy will have you crying from laughter and the action will have you sucked in at every moment. It is something new to the superhero movie category that will blow the rest out of the water. This is definitely the oddball out of the bunch, but everyone remembers the weird ones.