Kara Henson
Round Table editor-in-chief
Gay members of the DC community were finally able to apply for a marriage license beginning March 3.
I believe this is sensational. The fact that the gay and lesbian community can finally express their love and make it “official” is an inspirational thing.
Although I am a straight woman, I am fully supportive of the gay and lesbian community. I don’t believe homosexuals should be penalized for what they believe. Men and women should be able to practice anything they feel is right, even if it is rejected by society.
I am a strong believer in God and although His word preaches the opposite of what I believe, I feel people should be allowed and not punished for doing what they want.
I am not, however, saying that participating in illegal activity is okay. Certain activities are frowned upon and punishable. One can not vandalize a public building just because they feel like it.
Same sex marriage is hurting no one, though. I say, get out there and be proud of who you are. Don’t be afraid to be who you want to be. Show your true colors. In the words of Dr. Seuss, “Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”