By Audrey Tolland
Round Table reporter
Bad breath can often be one of the biggest turn-offs to the opposite sex here at Middletown High School. But recently scientists and dentists are closer than ever to finding out the causes of bad breath as well as a way to take care of it.
The International Conference on Breath Oder Research in Chicago, have recently discovered that about ninety percent of all bad breath comes from the tongue.
But for some it’s due to dry mouth, tooth decay, certain prescription drugs, sinus problems and diseases such as diabetes.
But how would you take care of bad breath?
For a short period of time, cinnamon is a good flavor to use to minimize breath odor. Big Red Gum might be the only gum with breath odor fighting abilities.
“If I ever have bad breath I just brush my teeth or chew gum,” said MHS Sophomore, Heather King.
For long term effects, you should have good oral care such as brushing your teeth and tongue, flossing, and mouth wash.
Dentists say that regular mouth wash, including Listerine and Scope, will not be as effective as a mixture of Hydrogen Peroxide and water.
Believe it or not saliva is one of your best weapons against bad breath.
When you’re ever wondering about your horrible morning breath, it’s usually because saliva production slows while you’re asleep, leaving bacteria and odor lingering in your mouth.
Drinking water is a must. Scientists say as you get older, you become more dehydrated. So even if you’re not thirsty, drinking water can help prevent mouth odor.
It is also very critical when playing a sport this season, to clean your mouth guard every time before putting it back in your mouth due to the collection of bacteria.
Not only should you want good breath for your personal health, it’s unattractive to have bad breath.
“Ew, when people have bad breath it makes me not even want to talk to them,” says MHS Sophomore, Sarah Escobar.
Other students, like Escobar, think that good breath is a must in the opposite sex.
King goes on to say that its, “distracting,” when someone has a breath odor.