By Matthew Jefferson
Round Table reporter
On Nov. 7 the MDA Bowl-A-Thon took place at Southside Bowl in Hagerstown, Maryland. A maximum amount of people came to bowl and donate money to the MDA (Muscular Dystrophy Association) so that the money can be used for medical researches for those with Muscular Dystrophy.
Ronda Sisk, a spokeswoman from the event, said that “120 participants were involved with the bowl-a-thon this week.”
Participants paid to play two rounds of bowling for the future medical references. People played duck pin and ten pin bowling for about 3 hours.
Donations are important so that the money can be used for when people develop cures for people with the disease. At the end of the event, $8,200 was donated by bowling supporters. That money goes to the MDA Organization.
Muscular Dystrophy is a non-contagious disease that eliminates muscle cells in a human being. Right now, there is no cure. However, medical researchers are still finding ways to help support people with the disease.
Stem cell research is in progress, and that is one of the major ways to cure the disease. It takes time for doctors and biologists to determine whether the stems cells are ready to be given to patients or that they need to be developed for a months. It might take several years to develop a cure for MD.