Attention NHS Members: We need four to six volunteers to help at the Senior Awards Ceremony on Monday evening, June 3, from 6p.m. until 9p.m. You will be setting up and serving cookies and punch at the reception following the awards. If you are interested, please see Mrs. Baldovin-Jahrling as soon as possible. Or, speak directly to Mrs. Gibson, who is organizing the reception. You can earn three service hours.
Anyone with an AP Psych review book please return it to learning cottage number four as soon as possible.
Juniors should submit their May timesheets to Mr. Zimmer and Mrs. Gibson by Friday, May 31.
Anyone who has not picked up their yearbook may do so before school, during third period, or after school in room 429.
Don’t forget that tomorrow is Arvin appreciation Day. Be sure to wear your Arvin t-shirt in honor of Arvin’s service to MHS and his retirement.