By Chelsea McDermott
Round Table reporter
Middletown High School’s FFA has improved over the years, and grown into a strong organization. Recently many new people have become a part of the FFA and there are now about 160 members total.
“I think it’s good that the FFA is expanding and that a lot more people are involved, but then again not a lot of the new members understand what FFA is all about,” said MHS senior, Nicole Hood.
The Middletown FFA chapter put on FFA week during the first week of March. They tried to get the whole school involved in FFA activities and get an understanding of what FFA is all about.
FFA develops premier leadership, personal growth, and career success through agriculture education. FFA is not considered a club; you must be part of an agricultural class. That way you learn more about FFA, instead of just being part of the meetings.
MHS agriculture teacher Sarah Shriner said, “Its wonderful how more students are part of the FFA, and I think even more students should become involved.”
Middletown High School FFA vice president junior Heather King loves being apart of the FFA because it helps the Middletown community while teaching the students that are involved lessons about becoming more open and being able to speak in front of people.
Although FFA has been around for years, it is still very important to Middletown High School.