We all know that difficult economic times have everybody, especially large businesses, worried. With today’s availability of internet access, people can get their daily news at the drop of hat and unfortunately that, along with these economic times, is making newspapers a thing of the past.
Trying to keep businesses afloat is a hard thing to do and now that everybody can just “click” to whatever they want to, how can businesses keep up? Even newspapers are turning to full internet, such as the Ann Arbor News, in July.
Is this going to be the future of all newspapers? Friday and Sunday printed additions but for the rest of the week it will all be online? I am not saying that it isn’t easier to just go online to get the news, but when you think about it in the long run, we are in fact killing printed newspapers.
What I want to know is this: are all newspaper companies eventually going to be only online or is there some way to save the daily news which has been around for over 500 years?
Jason Dagenhart • Jun 3, 2009 at 12:09 pm
Yea, this is right. We are driving printed, paper newspapers off the face of the earth. It seems to be easier for each company to print online but to me, I think we should stick with paper printed news. Its more old fashioned and more personalized. Good story Ana