The Round Table strives for accuracy and fairness in its reporting. The content of The Round Table is created and edited by students and subject to possible review by a review board composed of administrators, teachers, editors, students, and parents. Any inaccuracies in content should be reported to the adviser, Noah Kady (noah.kady@fcps.org) and all efforts will be made to correct the content.
The opinions expressed in columns or blogs are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the Frederick County Public Schools, Middletown High School, the administrators, faculty, or other students. Disagreements of the opinions expressed in columns or blogs should be addressed by composing a letter to the editor or writing a comment. All letters to the editor and comments are reviewed by the adviser before publication.
The Round Table will accept photograph, columns, and blogs – given they are produced on a consistent basis and submitted in a timely fashion – from any student or faculty member at Middletown High School, as well as members of the local community who have no personal advertising intentions. The Round Table has the right to deny any and all submissions that are intended to advertise for an individual or business as per review. The Round Table welcomes community participation as a way to enrich not only the website, mhsroundtable.com, but the local community as well.